
Sunday, September 16, 2012

For the last time, the price of gas is not Obama’s fault!

One of the side effects of having a predominately Republican family is seeing painfully incorrect pictures show up on my Facebook news feed:

My question was: when exactly did Obama raise the price of gas?

This was almost as hilarious as the time Michele Bachmann campaigned on the platform of lowering gas prices 

If you weren’t aware, the price of gas is based largely on the price of oil, while most of the rest comes from costs the gas companies incur such as refining costs and distribution. The price of oil is the same globally and is affected mainly by supply and demand … just like every other commodity.

Refining costs are higher in warmer months, which is why gas on, say, Inauguration Day in January costs more than it does in the summer before a major election.

There’s something else special about January 20, 2009. Gas prices had just tumbled… is “tumbled” even the right word?


Gas prices were at a 6-year low in January 2009; it had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with a certain recession which was at its worst in the first quarter of 2009.

By gas-station-sticky-note logic, there is EVERY reason to re-elect Obama because last time he was elected, gas prices fell from $4.12 to $1.61 per gallon.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t continue to develop energy independence and invest in alternative energy sources. But this isn’t the result of Obama’s evil scheme to convert all Americans to Islam. People tried to pin high gas prices on Bush too, and I’ll say now what I said then: the President may not be perfect, but this time, he's not the culprit.

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